Summit Heliskiing


Counting down to winter

August 18, 2022

As summer nears its end

Autumn is in the air. The sun seems to hesitate before coming over…

The in-between heliskiing season

June 23, 2022

So long and see you soon! June marks the first month of summer in Iceland – and the final end…

Winter in North Iceland

November 29, 2021

What is the winter like in North Iceland, and what can you do there during that time? How long does…

Skiing and Heliskiing in Iceland

November 19, 2021

What can you expect of a skiing, or heliskiing tour, when you visit North Iceland? What do you need to…

Weather in Iceland

November 8, 2021

What is the weather in Iceland, and how does it differ between the summer and winter? How do you check…

How To Travel Around Iceland

October 26, 2021

Why should you travel to Iceland? When is the best time of year to experience the country, and what should…

Experience the Northern Lights in North Iceland

October 21, 2021

Where is the best place to go to see the Northern Lights in North Iceland, and what exactly causes this…

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